Don’t Call Yourself A “Quota Crusher” If You’ve Never Had A Quota
This post was originally published on Linkedin via our Director of Sales, Nick White.
As most sales leaders know, it’s very difficult for a career switcher or recent college graduate to earn their first job in tech sales. Sales Development leaders are very selective and it’s an extremely competitive process.
These leaders also know there is a professional and unprofessional way to present yourself during the application and interview process.
Leading our partnership development efforts at Sales Bootcamp, I spend the majority of my day having conversations with sales leaders and hiring managers who constantly bring to my attention this “Quota Crusher” concern. The first time I heard this concern was last fall when a student of ours had her heart set on a certain company and I reached out to the sales leader on her behalf. He quickly responded with “I’ve interviewed your graduates in the past and I’m not impressed. No thanks.”
I was quite surprised to hear this as I knew for a fact that no one from Sales Bootcamp had ever interviewed at this company. I asked for clarification and luckily he was nice enough to forward along a couple emails. This was the first time I learned about the “Quota Crushers.” For those that don’t know what I’m talking about, let me explain.
There is a group of individuals spamming email inboxes and LinkedIn with headlines claiming to be “Quota Crushers,” “Sales Superstars,” “Money tree makers” and telling people that they graduated #1 from Sales Bootcamp.
These are 100% not our graduates. The graduates of the Sales Bootcamp Fellowship have 3-months of Sales Development experience and don’t call themselves “money tree makers” (or at least not publicly). We teach our students how to be high performing SDRs but we also teach them how to present themselves professionally. Additionally, our Fellowship graduates don’t apply to you. You apply to them.
If you’re ever interested in interviewing someone with 3-months of actual B2B Sales Development experience that has just finished a rigorous sales training program and understands how to present themselves in a professional manner both in front of you as well as in front of your target customer, please let me know. I would be happy to discuss our model with you. Our graduates are highly desirable and 100% of them have job offers before they finish the fellowship. Yes, 100%.
We have partnerships options that range from completely free to a small flat fee to paid hourly.
Don’t settle for a self-proclaimed “Quota Crusher.” I promise not to send you unprofessional SDR candidates and my ask is that you promise not to judge Sales Bootcamp Graduates unless you’ve actually met a Sales Bootcamp Graduate.
If you want to see our graduates, please fill out our hiring form and I will personally get in touch with you.
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