What Does The Typical Day Look Like For An Account Executive?
A typical day for an AE includes demos, meetings with the SDRs, connecting with marketing. and researching/ prospecting for new leads.
Demos/ calls are typically 4–5 hrs per day. If you are an AE at any tech startup, be ready to be on the phone for a minimum of 4–5 hours per day. Demos/calls are typically scheduled throughout the day and should take up half of the day at a minimum.
Daily check-in with SDR and marketing team. Leads are the AE’s best friend. It is important to work daily with your SDR team to have a better idea of the conversations being had and also connect to learn about new meetings that are being set. It is important to frequently check-in with marketing and provide feedback for the quality of the various leads.
Researching and Prospecting. Many AE’s still have to drive a portion of their own outbound leads with prospecting. Many of the first and last hours of the day outside normal call time should be used for researching new opportunities and prospecting into new accounts. In our sales bootcamp we cover a lot of tools like ZenProspect, and Owler to quickly maximize your time prospecting.
Own your own time management by blocking your scheduling. The biggest mistake new AEs make is not properly blocking their time a week in advance. It is important to mix up your routine daily, but also have time blocks when you will cover specific tasks. Streak is a great CRM in your Inbox and also has a snooze function that will help you become organized with all your follow up.
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