Sales Bootcamp’s 1-Week Free Online Bootcamp Features 1:1 Coaching, Mentoring, and Weekly Office Hours
At Sales Bootcamp, we offer a 1-week, part-time, free online course to anyone interested in sales. We cover a comprehensive list of sales topics but we focus on outbound prospecting and lead generation as well as how to earn a job.
The 5-day program includes:
- Online Sales Training
- Introduction to Salesforce and other sales software technology
- Daily assignments and assessments (optional)
- Supplemental training material for those that want additional training
- Resume tips and templates
- LinkedIn profile best practices
- Job application training
- Interview preparation
- Personalized 1:1 coaching
- Online office hours
- Access to the Sales Bootcamp network
You can find our syllabus here: http://courses.salesbootcamp.com…
All bootcamp students have access to coaching and mentoring. We give personalized 1:1 coaching to everyone that takes our course and the Sales Bootcamp team will help mentor you through your job application and interview process. We also have weekly office hours for all students!
If you are considering taking our sales bootcamp, check out our intro video here
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