Yes, Sales Bootcamp really is completely free for all students.
Yes, Sales Bootcamp really is completely free for all students. Students always think this is too good to be true but we promise you that it’s free and it’s true. We will never charge our students.
We started Sales Bootcamp because we have been in your shoes and we wish someone was there for us when we wanted coaching and training in sales.
We encourage anyone considering a job in sales to take our completely free online sales bootcamp. Our free sales bootcamp includes:
- Online Sales Training
- Introduction to Salesforce and other sales software technology
- Daily assignments and assessments (optional)
- Supplemental training material for those that want additional training
- Resume tips and templates
- LinkedIn profile best practices
- Job application training
- Interview preparation
- Personalized 1:1 coaching
- Online office hours
- Access to the Sales Bootcamp network
Graduates of our Free Online Bootcamp are also eligible to apply for our Sales Fellowship. This is a 3-month program that pays you $7,500 and gives you on-the-job sales experience while we put you through our 12-module training program.
You are adding real value to a sales team while you learn which is how we are able to pay you during your fellowship. Our passion is sales training and helping people earn great jobs. Fortunately, we can do this all without charging our students.