Two Sales Tools That Will Immediately Accelerate Your Cold-Calling Productivity

Sales development roles, especially when it comes to cold-calling, is a pure numbers and effort game. There are lots of great solutions out there highlighted in the recent Cold Calling Vs. Social Selling meetup in SF. For this post, we will focus on sharing two tools that will dramatically help you increase your productivity and numbers of calls.

If you are going to use a dialer, test ConnectandSell. It is worth the cost, and you can have over 1000 dials in one day. Imagine having 8 conversations in an hour vs. spending all day manually dialing to have the same results. Their software saved us thousands of hours for outbound campaigns.

Chris Beall, ConnectandSell CEO, does a great job walking clients through testing their software — below is an example of a calling session.

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Make sure you have clean data with Zen Prospect. We’ve found when you layer in ConnectandSell + Zen Prospect for accurate data and email follow up that is the best way to quickly accelerate your sales team. It is an investment, but you will hit your meeting goals with these tools and activity levels.

Remeber, these tools are not replacements for actually doing the work, so keep up the momentum on the phones, and check out our free online sales bootcamp if you need help and tips from our great coaching team!

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